Will the murder of George Floyd assist Steven Avery?
Let’s start off by defining “Who is Steven Avery?”
Steven Avery was a junkyard owner in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. In 1985, he was convicted of raping a city council woman. In 2003, DNA finally proved that he was 100% innocent of the crime and he was released from prison. Furthermore, it was also proven that members of the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s department knew that Steven Avery was innocent of the rape ever since 1986, but they chose to stay silent and leave an innocent man in jail.
Upon being released from prison in 2003 for a crime he did not commit, Steven Avery was in the process of starting a new life. His brothers had been taking care of the junkyard business during his 18 years of absence from the family owned and operated business. He now had a new girlfriend and he was looking forward to marrying her.
He became somewhat of a local hero. He was invited to speak before the Wisconsin legislature. A new bill was signed into law in the state of Wisconsin to help make sure that innocent people would never have to endure decades in prison for crimes they did not commit. The new bill was named after Steven Avery. This was quite an ego booster for Steven Avery. But, certainly, this was a great embarrassment for the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department that enraged them.
But most significantly of all, Steven Avery now had a couple of lawyers who were personally suing the sheriff who knew all along that Avery was innocent. So, in addition to the rage and public embarrassment that the sheriff was facing, he was now being personally sued (along with the state of Wisconsin) for $36 million by Avery and his attorneys.
Imagine the personal consequences the sheriff was facing. Not only would his face be permanently blackened in his own community, and nationwide, but he would have to give every penny for the rest of his life to Steven Avery. The state of Wisconsin would also be facing bankruptcy.
So, what do you think the sheriff did next?
I posed this question to one of my Chinese online students a few hours ago. He had NO PROBLEM connecting the dots after I provided him with the background Steven Avery and this case.
*So, what do you think the sheriff did next?***
My online Chinese student quickly replied, “I think the police found a reason to arrest him and put him back in jail.”
You see, my student was clever enough to realize that killing Avery was not the solution. Having Avery suddenly killed would look too obvious.
Now, let’s deviate for a moment and talk about something called The Brotherhood of Law Enforcement.
As a professional police trainer, I am well aware of The Brotherhood of Law Enforcement, and I have seen it in action. As one police officer explained to me one time during a training session, “Police think there are only two types of people in the world — us and “them” — the public. “They” (the public) are assholes (according to cops), so we law enforcement agents must stick together and protect us.
The Brotherhood of Law Enforcement is deeply entrenched. That means that even if you witness one of your fellow “brother” officers doing something wrong, or doing something corrupt, you would never squeal on him or her.
Examples — During the 1980s, a group of police officers in Youngstown, Ohio worked with the local Mafia. Warehouses were robbed. The police were then paid as part of ring of thieves. No police officer — although they all knew about it — ever squealed on the others.
Police have witnessed murders, rapes, and police brutality committed by their fellow officers but remain silent.
Police are also allowed to lie when they question a witness. They can tell a person that he will not be going to jail if he cooperates with them, and then turn around and arrest the person they just lied to.
So, imagine the feeling of omnipotent power that American police officers feel and are used to having.
This power tends to escalate over time because it has gone unchecked, unquestioned, and unsupervised.
So, with this omnipresent police power part of the mentality of American police, let’s fast forward to another incident that happened a few days ago.
A few days ago, we all witnessed a police officer digging his knee into George Floyd’s neck. Now, that’s actually a polite way to describe what we witnessed.
In reality what we witnessed on an eight minute cell phone videotape was a police officer, in broad daylight, murdering a Black man to death as three other officers calmly stood by and did nothing. They could have easily pulled their “brother” off of the dying man’s neck. But they didn’t.
I asked one friend of mine, a cop, if he would have pulled off the cop who was choking the dying man with his knee on his neck.
“Why not?” I inquired.
“Because the other police officers would have felt I was being disloyal. I would have lost my job, and they would have felt I was not a part of the ‘Brotherhood’.”
My friend could see I was abhorred. So, he added, “But I would probably have hollered at him, ‘Man, just put him in the cruiser, okay?”
So, let’s review:
A few days ago, we witnessed a police officer murdering a man in broad daylight, on a busy street, where passersby were yelling and pleading with the officer to please stop. The dying man was also crying out, “Please! I can’t breathe.”
Officer Derek Chauvin, who had shot at unarmed suspects in the past and has been complained against 18 times — 18 times — during his career as a police officer (but never disciplined) felt very confident after 18 times of being accused of police brutality (with no consequences), that taking it a step further would also result in no consequences to him, as well.
“Well! Let me just dig my knee into this “N — -’s” neck! That’ll teach him a lesson! He thinks he can scream in public? Let me show him who’s boss!!”
“I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!!”
“Oh! He’s just faking it to get street attention! Let me teach this “N — -” a lesson!”
I really don’t think Derek Chauvin meant to kill George Floyd. He just wanted to show George Floyd who’s boss, and it went too far. In the passion of the moment, it just went on a little too long, and suddenly George Floyd was passed out and then dead.
Three officers stood by and watched, silently. It was “The Brotherhood” at work.
Now, let’s go back to Steven Avery.
The Brotherhood at work. Let’s say you’re a cop. One of your brothers is being sued for $36 million. What are you going to do? Are you just going to stand by and allow that happen? And are you just going to just stand and allow your city to become bankrupted and shamed?
$36 million.
$36 million is a lot of money.
You are your “brothers” get together and have a little powwow. You all decide that killing Avery would just look too obvious and the feds would probably step in. After all, Avery was now a celebrity and new legislation had been recently named after him.
So, you are your “brothers” start keeping a watchful eye on Steven Avery’s property.
From afar, using your high powered binoculars, you start to see the comings and goings at Avery’s junkyard property.
Enter Teresa Halbach, a 25 year old photographer for a local auto magazine.
You start tapping Avery’s phone. You find out that Halbach to come out to Avery’s junkyard at 2 p.m. on Halloween to take some photos of one of the junkyard cars that he and his brothers have fixed up and want to sell.
And there ya go!
The last known place before her disappearance — Steven Avery’s junk yard.
How convenient is that?????
Driving down a lonely, deserted road after leaving Avery’s property, Halbach is stopped by a small group of police. She is shot in the head and her dead body is placed in the back of her car.
Within 48 hours, Steven Avery becomes the primary suspect. After all, Halbach was last seen on Avery’s property and turns up missing shortly thereafter.
A search warrant is issued immediately.
For eight days — eight long days — no member of the Avery family is allow on the Avery property.
During this long eight days — AH! The cremains of Teresa Halbach just happen to show up in the bonfire area where Avery regularly burns rubbish.
And during this long eight days of searching for evidence, Teresa Halbach’s car is found with a few twigs on top of it in a conspicuous location.
Now, how comical is that?
Steven Avery talking to himself: “Oh! I’m on the verge of winning a $36 million settlement, and I am a local hero with a law bill named after me, and I am in love with my fiance who I plan to marry! Huh! I think I’ll kill a photographer and then leave her bones and ashes in plain view in my bonfire!!! Huh!!! I think I’ll leave her car in a conspicuous place on my property and decorate it with a few branches to make it appear to be hidden !!” — NOT!!!
You know, some people think Steven Avery is a dumb ass. But even dumb asses are not THAT dumb. Even a DUMB ASS who has no motive to murder a photographer while he’s on the verge of winning $36 million dollars — would be bright enough — in his dumb ass mind — to get rid of the bones and not leave them in clear and plain view in his bond fire.
And . . .
A DUMB ASS who owns a machine that crushes vehicles would be bright enough, in his dumb ass brain, to crush up Teresa Halbach’s car — after somehow just “wanting” to murder her while he’s on the verge of winning $36 million.
The murdering members of the brotherhood, on the other hand, knew that the evidence they planted on Avery’s property was not good enough. With just bones, ashes, and a car found under twigs, they were motivated to take it yet another step further.
The “brothers” now broke into the evidence room. Taking a vial of blood that had been preserved during the long 18 years of Steven’s unbelievable confinement to prison for a rape he did not commit, — the “brother’s now punched a small hole in the top of the vial and sprinkled Avery’s blood in random places inside Teresa Halbach’s vehicle. (This was absolutely proven and shown in the Netflix documentary, “Making a Murderer.”) (How anyone can overlook these facts is astonishing to me.)
OH! And then there’s the icing on the cake!
The “brothers” then took it ONE STEP FURTHER to make sure their fake evidence went even further!
Enter Brendan Dassey — a 15-year-old mentally challenged introverted teen who enjoyed playing video games and watching cartoons. Never had a girlfriend and was still a virgin.
So, here is Brendan, sitting in math class, when suddenly a group of slick members of the BROTHERHOOD arrive at his school and pull him out of class.
Brendan is only thinking about his upcoming math test and whether or not he has the brains to pass it. Maybe he can get some after school help from his math teacher.
“Brendan, we’re here to HELP you!” the lying members of the BROTHERHOOD tell Brendan.
“Did you help kill Teresa Halbach?”
“Huh? No. I wasn’t even there.”
“Brendan. You don’t want to go to jail, do you? People are saying you were there! And if you DON’T admit it, you will probably end up going to jail. Do you want to go to jail?”
“Well, then. Tell us again. Were you there?”
“Uh. . . . . Yeah. . . . . I was there.”
“Good boy, Brendan! Good boy!!”
“And what did you do to Teresa when you were there?”
“I dunno.”
“Did you help rape her and kill her?”
“Brendan! That’s NOT a good answer! We’re here to HELP you!!! Now, answer the questions the RIGHT way! Okay? You don’t want to go to jail, right?”
“Okay. So did you help rape and kill Teresa Halbach?”
“Um. I dunno!”
“Come on, Brendan. You have to help us! We are your friends!” (Officer touches Brendan’s knee.)
“Don’t make us have to ask you again. Now, Brendan. Just admit it. WHO shot Teresa Halbach after you and Steven raped her?”
“Steven did.”
“Okay!!! Good boy, Brendan! Good boy!”
“Okay, can I go back to my math class now? I have a big test tomorrow.”
“Sure. But first tell us the whole story. From the top.”
Let’s fast-forward to the despicable prosecutor in this case, and part of the local BROTHERHOOD.
Enter Ken Kratz. The despicable prosecutor who later leaves public office, disgraced, due to a sexting scandal.
Kratz resigned from his office in October 2010 after a sexting scandal; he had sent sexual texts to a 26-year-old domestic violence victim whose ex-boyfriend he was prosecuting.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury! You cannot deny the overwhelming evidence against Steven Avery! The bones! The ashes! The car! The blood! And the key!”
Oh, yes, the key, dear readers. Let’s not forget that the key to Halbach’s car just happens to show up in Steven Avery’s bedroom by the officer who is being personally sued by Avery and who is not even supposed to be inside the crime scene! It suddenly show up on DAY SEVEN — IN CLEAR VIEW on Steven Avery’s bedroom rug — even though dozens of other officers searched the bedroom and combed the bedroom on multiple occasions for six days before!
“Okay, come on. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. The evidence is OVERWHELMING!”
And of course, there’s then dumb ass Brandon, who was now suddenly bright enough to realize he’d been talked into telling a serious lie.
Len Kachinsky, the despicable scumbag attorney appointed to represent Dassey, — later accused of felony stalking charges. This scumbag intentionally and purposefully also colluded with the “brothers” and left Dassey alone in a room with a collaborating and colluding scumbag psychologist that would seek to extract yet another fake confession out of Dassey.
So, as you can see, when a member of the brotherhood can kneel on a man’s neck, in broad daylight, as passersby scream out, “Help him! He can’t breathe!!” And other members of THE BROTHERHOOD just simply stand by and watch with pleasure, it is not far-fetched to know that the brotherhood can also murder an innocent woman and plant her cremains on Avery’s property.
The overwhelming new evidence accumulated by attorney Kathleen Zellner that proves Avery’s innocence is not being given an evidentiary hearing by the state of Wisconsin.
THINK ABOUT THAT. There’s a reason why the new evidence is not being shown and given a proper hearing.
Think of the horrific consequences to the state of Wisconsin if the evidence were actually shown. The police would finally be investigated and the “brothers” who actually murdered Teresa Halbach would finally have to be investigated.
Additionally, the state of Wisconsin would rightfully be sued by Avery and Dassey for MORE than $36 million, this go around.
And, best of all, the true dumb asses of Amerika, who think that police are kind and helpful (and could not do such a think like plant evidence on Avery’s property and kill a woman to help the brotherhood, would have to face reality.
Perhaps the video footage of George Floyd will be a wake up call to the dumb asses of Amerika who think that the police in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin could not have “possibly” framed Steven Avery.