The Roach Chronicles: Unveiling the Quirky World of Cockroaches! ~by Angela V. Woodhull, Ph.D.

Angela V. Woodhull, Ph.D.
5 min readAug 6, 2023

Hold on to your brooms and put your bug repellents on standby because we’re about to embark on a wild adventure into the curious life of cockroaches! These resilient, six-legged critters have been around for millions of years, surviving everything from nuclear disasters to cosmic catastrophes. Prepare to be amazed, entertained, and maybe even a little grossed out as we delve into the fascinating and hilarious realm of cockroaches. So, fasten your seatbelts, folks, because we’re about to uncover some mind-blowing and uproarious facts about these tiny, uninvited roommates that scuttle around our homes.

Dance Fever:
Believe it or not, cockroaches have got some serious moves! When these little party animals find a tasty treat, they break out into a full-blown dance routine. Known as the “Cockroach Conga,” this rhythmic performance involves wiggling their antennae, shaking their bodies, and even performing a few spins. It’s their way of communicating with fellow roaches, saying, “Hey, I’ve found some delicious leftovers over here, come join the feast!” Who knew cockroaches had the moves like Jagger?

Speedy Gonzales:
Cockroaches are renowned for their incredible speed. These speed demons can scuttle at a lightning-fast pace of up to 3 miles per hour! That might not sound impressive compared to a cheetah’s sprint, but when you consider their minuscule size, it’s like humans running at a staggering 210 miles per hour. So, the next time you spot a cockroach zooming across the floor, don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t catch it. After all, you’re no Usain Bolt!

The Roach Olympics:
Did you know that cockroaches could give Olympic athletes a run for their money? In a series of insect-inspired competitions, cockroaches have proven their mettle by scaling walls, leaping impressive distances, and even performing high-wire acts. These talented acrobats can effortlessly navigate vertiginous surfaces thanks to the thousands of tiny hairs on their legs, which allow them to stick to almost any surface. If there were ever an insect Olympics, cockroaches would surely bring home the gold.

The Ultimate Survivor:
Move over, Bear Grylls, because cockroaches are the true masters of survival. These resilient creatures have been around for over 300 million years, outliving dinosaurs, ice ages, and countless extermination attempts. Cockroaches can survive without food for a month, without water for a week, and even without their heads for several days (yes, you read that right!). Their incredible ability to adapt to various environments and their uncanny resistance to radiation make them the ultimate survivors. It’s like they have an entire apocalypse survival kit built into their tiny bodies.

The Smelly Truth:
We all know that cockroaches aren’t exactly known for their pleasant aroma, but did you know they have a trick up their exoskeleton? When threatened or squished, some species of cockroaches emit a repulsive odor that can linger for hours. It’s their way of saying, “Back off, buddy!” Imagine a tiny skunk walking around your kitchen, armed with an unpleasant stench. Well, that’s the life of a cockroach, always ready to deploy its olfactory defense mechanism.

The Great Escape Artists:
Cockroaches are the Houdinis of the insect world. They have a remarkable ability to squeeze through the tiniest of cracks and crevices, making them virtually impossible to contain. These crafty escapologists can flatten their bodies to a quarter of their normal height, allowing them to slither through gaps as narrow as a dime. Lock up your cupboards, seal your cereal boxes, and double-check your doors because these pint-sized escapists can pull off a disappearing act that would make Harry Potter jealous.

A Nutritious Snack:
Now, this fact might make your stomach turn, but cockroaches are actually a source of nutrition for many people around the world. In some cultures, roasted or fried cockroaches are considered a delicacy and are packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals. So, while you might cringe at the thought of munching on these critters, there are brave souls out there who see them as a crunchy and nutritious snack. Bon appétit!

Alien Invaders:
Ever wondered if cockroaches are secretly extraterrestrial beings? Well, they certainly have a talent for surviving in space! In 2011, a group of cockroaches hitched a ride on a Russian spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of an experiment. These “space roaches” successfully reproduced in microgravity, proving once again that cockroaches are not just earthlycreatures. Who knows, maybe they’re planning their intergalactic takeover as we speak!

Social Cockroaches:
Contrary to popular belief, cockroaches are not solitary creatures. In fact, they thrive in communities and have a complex social structure. They communicate with each other using pheromones, chemical signals that convey messages about food sources, danger, and even courtship. Cockroach society is all about teamwork, with each member playing a vital role in the survival and well-being of the group. So, the next time you see a cockroach scurrying by, remember that it’s just a tiny member of a bustling insect metropolis.

Cockroach Cuisine:
If you thought cockroaches were only interested in your leftover pizza crusts, think again! These resourceful critters have a surprisingly diverse palate. They have been known to feast on everything from glue, soap, and book bindings to human hair and fingernails. So, if you find yourself missing a few pages from your favorite novel or wondering where your hairpins disappeared to, you might want to blame your sneaky neighborhood cockroach. They’re not picky eaters; they’re adventurous gourmets!

The Mystery of Cockroach Flight:
Cockroaches may be swift runners, but they are not known for their aerial acrobatics. However, there is a peculiar fact about cockroaches and flight. While most cockroach species are flightless, some have wings and can take to the skies. The curious thing is that these winged cockroaches rarely fly, even when given the opportunity. It’s like having a private jet but preferring to walk everywhere. Perhaps they’re just not keen on soaring through the air, or maybe they’re saving their aviator skills for a future insect aviation revolution.

Roach Relationships:
Believe it or not, cockroaches have a romantic side. These seemingly indestructible creatures engage in courtship rituals that involve gentle antennal stroking and a series of vibrations and movements. Male cockroaches even produce love songs to serenade their potential mates. So, the next time you hear strange noises coming from behind the kitchen cabinets, don’t be alarmed. It’s just a cockroach trying to win over the heart of their special someone. Move over, Romeo and Juliet!

From their dance-floor antics to their incredible survival skills, cockroaches have proven time and again that they are much more than just pesky pests. Their quirky behaviors, astonishing abilities, and bizarre habits make them worthy contenders for the title of nature’s most fascinating creatures. So, the next time you spot a cockroach scuttling across your floor, take a moment to appreciate their tenacity and adaptability. Who knows, you might even find yourself cheering for these tiny underdogs in the great game of life. After all, cockroaches are the true champions of resilience, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, we can always find a way to keep on scuttling!

Now, listen to this fun song I wrote about Cockroaches! I take fun facts, rhyme them, and set them to cool music! It’s Family Karaoke Time! Enjoy!



Angela V. Woodhull, Ph.D.

Produced Playwright, author of "Remember Idora" Licensed Private Investigator; performer live entertainment, Horst Gasthaus, accordion music