SPIDERS! ~by Angela V. Woodhull, Ph.D.

Angela V. Woodhull, Ph.D.
5 min readAug 6, 2023

Step into the web of wonder as we unravel 12 hilarious and adorable facts about our eight-legged friends, the spiders! These remarkable creatures may seem creepy to some, but they’ve got some fantastic tricks up their spinnerets that are bound to make you laugh and smile. So, get ready to be entangled in a web of cuteness and humor as we explore the quirky side of spiders!

Fact 1: Did you know that spiders are master builders? They can construct intricate webs with such precision that even the most talented architects would be envious. It’s like having a team of tiny engineers working tirelessly to create the ultimate spider mansion. Move over, Frank Lloyd Wright, the spider architects are here to spin their way into our hearts!

Fact 2: Spiders have a unique way of expressing their love. No, they don’t send chocolates or flowers like us humans. Instead, male spiders offer their potential mates a deliciously wrapped gift — wrapped in silk, that is. It’s like a spider version of a romantic dinner date, where the male presents the female with a beautifully wrapped bundle of food as a token of his affection. Who needs a fancy restaurant when you have a spider’s silk-wrapped delicacy?

Fact 3: Ever wondered how spiders stay fit and in shape? Well, these arachnid athletes have a built-in personal trainer called “web maintenance.” Each day, they engage in a rigorous exercise routine of repairing and rebuilding their webs. It’s like having a spider version of a CrossFit session, where they flex their muscles and show off their strength while ensuring their home is in tip-top shape. Talk about a web-slinging workout!

Fact 4: Spiders have a superpower that could give any superhero a run for their money. They can produce silk threads that are stronger than steel! Yes, you heard it right — spiders are the real-life Spider-Man (or Spider-Woman)! Their silk is so strong and flexible that it could withstand the weight of a small car. It’s like having a spider superhero, ready to save the day with their incredible web-slinging abilities. Move over, Avengers, the Spideys are here to spin their way to victory!

Fact 5: Forget about fancy hairstyles and trendy salons; spiders have the ultimate hair accessory — their own set of cool, velvety tufts called “urticating hairs.” These unique hairs can be flicked off as a defense mechanism, causing irritation and discomfort to potential predators. It’s like having a spider version of a stylish wig, ready to be flicked off at any moment to ward off unwanted attention. Talk about a fashionable and functional accessory!

Fact 6: Spiders have a remarkable talent for throwing surprise parties. How, you ask? Well, some spider species create decoy spiders out of their shed exoskeletons and bits of prey to confuse their enemies. It’s like a spider version of a surprise guest at a party, where they create decoys to keep everyone guessing. Move over, party planners, the spider tricksters are here to add a touch of mystery to every gathering!

Fact 7: Spiders are environmentally conscious creatures. When they’re done with their webs, instead of tossing them in the trash like we do with old newspapers, they recycle! They consume their old webs and reuse the materials to build new ones. It’s like having a spider version of an eco-warrior, reducing waste and creating sustainable living spaces. Move over, recycling enthusiasts, the spiders are leading the way in environmental conservation!

Fact 8: Spiders are incredible hunters, but did you know they also enjoy a good game of hide-and-seek? Some spider species camouflage themselves to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, making it nearly impossible for prey to spot them. It’s like having a spider version of a hide-and-seek champion, disappearing into thin air and leaving their opponents scratching their heads. Move over, master illusionists, the spider vanishers are here to play!

Fact 9: Spiders are the ultimate multitaskers. Alongside building their webs and catching prey, some spider moms carry their eggs and spiderlings on their backs, ensuring their safety and nurturing their little ones. It’s like having a spider version of a supermom, juggling countless responsibilities while carrying an adorable brood on their backs. Move over, Wonder Woman, the spider supermoms are here to inspire us all with their multitasking abilities!

Fact 10: Spiders are talented musicians in their own right. While they may not play the guitar or the drums, they create vibrations on their webs to communicate with potential mates. It’s like having a spider version of a rock band, producing intricate melodies that resonate through their silky strings. Move over, Rolling Stones, the spider maestros are here to spin their way into the music industry!

Fact 11: Spiders have an impeccable sense of fashion. They come in a stunning array of colors and patterns, from vibrant reds to deep blues, and some even have intricate Some spiders have the most fabulous fashion sense in the arachnid world. Take the peacock spider, for example. The males of this species flaunt vibrant and iridescent colors, paired with intricate patterns on their bodies. It’s like having a spider version of a high-fashion runway, where these little fashionistas strut their stuff and captivate everyone with their stunning looks. Move over, fashion designers, the spider trendsetters are here to weave their way into the fashion industry!

Fact 12: Spiders have an uncanny ability to inspire creativity. Artists and designers often draw inspiration from these fascinating creatures, incorporating spider motifs into their works. From jewelry adorned with delicate spider webs to clothing featuring spider-inspired patterns, the spider’s influence can be found in various art forms. It’s like having a spider version of an artistic muse, sparking imagination and bringing a touch of whimsy to the world of creativity. Move over, Picasso, the spiders are here to weave their way into our artistic endeavors!

So there you have it — 12 fascinating, funny, and cute facts about spiders! From their architectural prowess to their unique hair accessories, from their surprise parties to their musical talents, spiders never fail to surprise and entertain us with their quirky traits. So, let’s celebrate these remarkable creatures and appreciate the joy and wonder they bring to the world!

Now, listen to this fun song I wrote about Spiders! I take fun facts, rhyme them, and then set them to cool music. This song was professionally recorded in Branson, Missouri. It’s time for karaoke family fun! Enjoy!



Angela V. Woodhull, Ph.D.

Produced Playwright, author of "Remember Idora" Licensed Private Investigator; performer live entertainment, Horst Gasthaus, accordion music